
BlueHalo LOCUST Laser Weapon System Delivered to the Palletized High Energy Laser (P-HEL) Program

Tiffany Sevieri
[email protected]
(703) 718-4060

ARLINGTON, VA – BlueHalo has delivered its LOCUST system to be integrated into the Palletized High Energy Laser (P-HEL) system. The Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO), in support of the Joint Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Office (JCO), has established the P-HEL program to address the growing threat of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) by developing this counter-sUAS (C-sUAS) prototype. The JCO intends to evaluate the P-HEL in an operationally relevant environment this spring at Yuma Proving Grounds (YPG), to be followed by possible deployment of the system overseas for further evaluation and operational use.  The delivered LOCUST system performed well as part of the integrated P-HEL C-UAS system during a recent risk reduction field event, tracking, engaging, and defeating several UAS targets.

BlueHalo was chosen to deliver its LOCUST system due to its long corporate heritage in laser weapons and tracking systems, and also due to recent demonstrated performance of the value of lasers during the Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense (DE M-SHORAD) Combat Shoot-Off (CSO) in July 2021. BlueHalo’s LOCUST system demonstrates the company’s commitment to soldier-centered design and rapid transition to mature prototype. The system combines precision optical and laser hardware with advanced software, algorithms, and processing to enable and enhance the directed energy “kill chain”, which includes tracking, identifying, and engaging a wide variety of targets with its hard-kill HEL.

“BlueHalo’s mature LOCUST system provides proven ‘laser quality’ precision electro-optic/infrared, pointing, tracking, identification, and hard-kill against a wide variety of Unmanned Aerial Systems,” said Jonathan Moneymaker, BlueHalo’s Chief Executive Officer. “Even more impressive is the fact that it does this while also serving as a highly capable Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance data collection and discrimination asset.”

LOCUST represents one product in BlueHalo’s suite of C-sUAS mission solutions where the Company remains heavily committed having invested significantly in standing up manufacturing infrastructure and capabilities. BlueHalo is actively building multiple LOCUST products and is positioning to meet future demands in quantity.

“Our laser weapon is a key part of BlueHalo’s LOCUST family of products that leverage decades of experience on a wide variety of Directed Energy Weapon programs, dating back to the Airborne Laser, Airborne Tactical Laser, and High Energy Laser Mobile demonstrator, culminated by our investments in the laser weapon system,” added Dan Gillings, BlueHalo Sector President. “We are thrilled that our team is participating in the P-HEL program.”

About BlueHalo

BlueHalo is purpose-built to provide industry-leading capabilities in the domains of Space Superiority, Space Technology, Directed Energy/Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (c-UAS), Autonomy, Advanced Radio Frequency (RF), Cyber, and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT).  BlueHalo focuses on inspired engineering to develop, transition, and field next-generation capabilities to solve the most complex challenges of our customers’ critical missions and reestablish our national security posture in the near-peer contested arena.


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