BlueHalo Contract Vehicles

AMCOM Express
Expedited Professional & Engineering Support Services

Design, Development, Demonstration & Integration (D3I) Domain 3 Prime
Prime Contract # W9113M-18-0001
The U.S. Army awarded a $1.05B contract to four companies to support its D3I program which aims to enhance the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) and Army Forces Strategic Command’s (ARSTRAT) defensive capabilities. The acquisition program has three domains. Domain 3, “Enhance Warfighter Capabilities,” focuses on the development of enhanced space, missile defense, and high-altitude capabilities for the warfighter. The overarching program requirements provide D3I with solutions that include, but are not limited to, design, development, demonstration, and integration of future capability gap architectures, technologies, test and evaluation, assessments, integration, and operations capabilities. Companies included in the Domain 3 development contract are BlueHalo, Decisive Analytics, Quantum Research International, and Radiance Technologies.

GSA Professional Services Schedule (PSS)
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OASIS Unrestricted & OASIS Small Business (SB)
Multiple Award, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts that provide flexible and innovative solutions for complex professional services. These contracts:
- Span many areas of expertise and mission spaces;
- Span multiple professional service disciplines;
- Allow flexibility for all contract types including hybrids and cost-reimbursement at the task order level; and
- Allow ancillary support components, commonly referred to as Other Direct Costs (ODC), at the task order level
The core disciplines of the contract include program management, management consulting, logistics, engineering, scientific, and financial services. Learn more about OASIS from the General Services Administration –
DUNS Number: 625694500
OASIS Point of Contact
Vice President, Business Development
Del Beilstein |
OASIS SB Contract Documentation

Simulation and Analysis Facility (SIMAF)
BlueHalo is one of three companies awarded a contract valued up to $80M for the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), the Aeronautical System Center (ASC), Requirements and Capabilities Integration Directorate (XR), Modeling Simulation & Analysis Division (ASC/XRA) and the Simulation and Analysis Facility (SIMAF) located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. The indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) award allows BlueHalo to compete for individual services task orders and product delivery orders issued over the next five years under the omnibus umbrella contract.

MARTINAEGIS Technologies
A SBA certified 8(a) SDVOSB JV between MartinFederal Consulting, LLC and AEgis Technologies focusing on modeling and simulation, IT, and training and development support services.

ASTRO is a broadly scoped series of contract vehicles encompassing virtually all services supporting or involving manned, unmanned, or optionally manned platforms and robotics.
ASTRO is administered by the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Office of Assisted Acquisition Service (AAS) FEDSIM Organization. It is a family of ten separate, individual, Multiple Award (MA), Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts. ASTRO orders may only be placed by authorized COs within GSA’s Assisted Acquisition Service.
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BlueHalo Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Memberships

System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC)
System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC), an organization comprised of over 700 members, as well as the Sensors, Communications, and Electronics Consortium (SCEC) which is comprised of over 300 members. SOSSEC, Inc. was awarded its first OTA in 2009 and has managed twelve OTAs to date. SOSSEC, Inc currently manages eight OTAs. SOSSEC, Inc. has successfully completed more than 250 OTA projects.

Naval Surface Technology & Innovation Consortium (NSTIC)
The Naval Surface Technology & Innovation Consortium (NSTIC) has established an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) to engage industry and academia to develop and mature technologies in the field of surface technology innovation that enhance Navy mission effectiveness. Join NSTIC to access business and research opportunities focused on research, development, testing, and integrating complex naval warfare systems across a broad range of technology areas and disciplines.

DoD Ordnance Technology Consortium (DOTC) National Armaments Consortium (NAC)
The mission of the DoD Ordnance Technology Consortium (DOTC), in partnership with the NAC, is to enhance our Warfighter’s lethality, survivability and combat effectiveness by facilitating the industrial and academic research, development and technology demonstrations needed to advance and expand our military technological superiority.

Space Enterprise Consortium (SpeC)
The Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center. SpEC was created to bridge the cultural gap between military buyers and commercial space startups and small businesses through OTAs.
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Aviation and Missile Technology Consortium® (AMTC)
The Aviation & Missile Technology Consortium® (AMTC) has established an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) to engage industry and academia to develop and mature guided missile technologies to develop and transition US Army aviation and missile manufacturing technologies, and integrate advanced technologies, techniques and processes into future effective weapon systems in support of US Army and DOD weapon systems.
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National Security Technology Accelerator (NXTXL)
NSTXL is a revolutionary platform built to get the world’s best technology into the hands of the Warfighter. We combine the best practices of the tech industry with our expertise in government contracting to create a space where government and industry work together with speed, flexibility, and reduced risk.
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National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC)
NAMC’s mission is to provide the Government with ready, quality access to the broadest population of U.S. ground vehicle system (GVS), sub-system, and component technology developers and providers in a competitive environment; to work in partnership with the Government to implement and refine business processes and tools to streamline individual project contract administration; and to expedite the innovation, development, and production of new GVS capabilities for U.S. warfighters.
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Army Cornerstone
Cornerstone Other Transaction Authority (OTA) is established to create a flexible mechanism for a public-private collaboration across a range of specific Industrial Base sectors and requirements in order to strengthen the US Industrial Base and improve US competitiveness. Cornerstone will provide the means to bring together industry (to include private funding entities) and government stakeholders through a structured engagement forum.
Cornerstone seeks a public-private “consortium of consortiums” agreement across a range of Industrial Base sectors and requirements with a combination of private industries (small to large businesses, and private capital) to sector specific industry consortiums and associations to U.S. non-profit organization interested in entering into an Other Transaction Agreement, pursuant to 10 USC 2371b, for the purpose of Title 10 S.2508 Authority:
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