
BlueHalo Awarded JAIC BPA to Support the Acceleration of AI Capabilities

Tiffany Sevieri
[email protected]
(703) 718-4060

ARLINGTON, VA – BlueHalo was recently awarded a five-year contract to support the Department of Defense (DoD) strategy to accelerate scaling Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact across the Department by the Joint Acquisition Intelligence Center (JAIC) Artificial Intelligence Test & Evaluation (T&E) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). The DoD created the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) in June 2018 to explore the use of AI-enhanced communication for use in combat situations by American warfighters. 

The anticipated focus areas may include development of T&E capabilities to support DoD’s full spectrum of emerging AI technologies, to include, Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Neural Networks (NN) with focus on the following: 

  • Conversational interface applications using voice to text. 
  • Speech-enabled products and services for Government applications and Systems. 
  • Image analysis, testing deep learning based visual search and image classifier. 
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)-enabled products and services. 
  • Humans augmented by machines (to include human-machine interfaces) and improved methods to measure warfighter cognitive and physical workloads (to include Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) test services). 
  • Autonomous systems. 

“We are pleased to be among the select companies entrusted by the DoD to advance its mission to accelerate the delivery of AI-enabled capabilities, scale department-wide impact of AI, and synchronize DoD AI activities to expand Joint Force advantages,” said James Batt, BlueHalo’s Chief Growth Officer. 

“BlueHalo has extensive experience developing, producing, and delivering total artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) technologies to support our customers’ intelligence initiatives,” said Jimmy Jenkins, President and General Manager of BlueHalo’s Defense Sector. “We are excited to be at the forefront of AI application to improve real-world outcomes and be able to apply this technology to many other warfighter challenges.” 

About BlueHalo 

BlueHalo is purpose-built to provide industry-leading capabilities in the domains of Space Superiority, Space Technology, Directed Energy/Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (c-UAS), Autonomy, Advanced Radio Frequency (RF), Cyber, and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT).  BlueHalo focuses on inspired engineering to develop, transition, and field next-generation capabilities to solve the most complex challenges of our customers’ critical missions and reestablish our national security posture in the near-peer contested arena. 


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