Space Technologies
A heritage of on-orbit excellence, paving the way for the future of space technologies
With higher speed and security and lower mass and power consumption than standard methodologies, Laser Communications is the future of space mission communications. BlueHalo’s geosynchronous orbit focused payloads offer 10 to 100 times increased bandwidth over RF while eliminating jitter to ensure line-of-sight stabilization for resilient space-based communications.

Optical Module Assemblies
Our low-SWAP optical module is the perfect solution for those hard to meet long-haul, high data rate missions. BlueHalo’s Optical Module assemblies provide customizable apertures, incorporated with our advanced positioning and stabilization gimbals, back-end optics assemblies (BOA), and control electronics capable of operating in the most demanding of orbits. BlueHalo’s purpose-built optical modules are made for the next generation of laser communications.
Stable Platforms
We develop space-qualified stable platforms that accurately measure and actively control vibrations to achieve the line-of-sight stabilization needed for space-based Laser Communications. These platforms feature Optical Inertial Reference Unit technology and multiple U.S. patents that have proven performance as demonstrated on NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) aboard the Space Force Space Test Program’s STPSat-6. Learn More
Latch and Gimbal Assemblies
The precision engineering of BlueHalo’s Latch and Gimbal Assemblies facilitates the optimal positioning and stabilization needed for effective signal transmission in laser communication systems. Our assemblies operate reliably in the challenging conditions of space as demonstrated on NASA’s Integrated LCRD Low-Earth Orbit User Modem and Amplifier Terminal (ILLUMA-T) and Orion Artemis II Optical Communications System (O2O).
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BlueHalo provides a full suite of exquisite, space-qualified hardware trusted to fly in the most extreme environments space presents across GEO, MEO, LEO and Cislunar orbits. With hundreds of systems flying in space, our customers turn to BlueHalo when a mission can’t fail.

Command & Data Handling (C&DH)
Our C&DH products include Remote Interface Units (RIU) for MIL-STD remote spacecraft command and telemetry, Transmission Data Formatters which allow for common use of a single communication system supporting key missions like SDA, and Command & Telemetry Units (CTU) which provide command validation, execution, and telemetry collection for complex missions. All of which have successfully flown on-orbit.

Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control (ADC) Suite
Our Space Craft Processor (SCP) enables complete control of the spacecraft when coupled with our ADC products, including attitude, thermal, power, and data management. ADC product suite includes the Encoder Signal Processors (ESP) a 16-channel 2-speed Inductosyn™ precision resolver, Drive Control Units (DCU) featuring a programmable micro-stepping motor control, and three-axis magnetometers providing complete magnetic field measurement capability utilizing highly precise flux-gate sensor technology to control the attitude of spacecraft in orbit.

ARS and Dynapak
The Angular Rate Sensor-16 (ARS-16) is designed to work in a variety of high-performance applications, such as line-of-sight stabilization and precision motion control systems-measuring angular motions as low as 40 nanoradians over a wide frequency range. With low sensitivity to linear acceleration inputs, it is ideal for use in highly dynamic space-, aerial-, and ground-based platforms. The Dynapak-16 is a space-qualified sensing package designed to measure jitter from airborne mirrors, optical systems or lasers, and for accurate line-of-sight imaging platform stabilization.

Fast Steering Mirrors (FSMs)
Our high-performance FSMs range from 15mm up to 150mm for ground-based, airborne, and space-qualified applications providing low-jitter pointing accuracy in optical communications, imaging, and scanning systems. Larger aperture designs are achievable via our custom design process. All components in our space-qualified FSMs have been qualified for a LEO orbit. We also offer a compact lab controller, MANTIS, to provide early test and integration support across two FSMs simultaneously via digital or analog interfaces.
Encryption & RF Assembly
Our cryptographic units include the KG-237 and KG-238, which provide certified NSA Type 1 encryption/decryption capability for critical mission support. Internally redundant, fault tolerant, and fail safe, these Hi-Rel Grade 1 units feature a certified 15-year mission life, MIL-STD-1553 remote terminal, and multiple encryption and decryption channels.
Optical Inertial Rate Units (OIRU)
Our OIRU provides an inertially stabilized optical beam with extremely low residual jitter when subject to typical ground, sea, air, or space vibration environments. In Laser Communications, the unit provides an optical reference beam for use as a precisely controlled “virtual star” that enables precise pointing and stabilization of the communication beam to be received at the opposite terminal of the transmit/receive link.
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